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Mr. Singh Mrs. Mehta 720p hd: Watch the Erotic Thriller Online for Free

Mr. Singh Mrs. Mehta 720p hd: A Review of the Bollywood Movie

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you found out that your spouse was cheating on you with your neighbor's spouse? How would you react and what would you do? Would you confront them or forgive them? Would you seek revenge or reconciliation? Would you fall in love with your neighbor or remain loyal to your partner?

Mr. Singh Mrs. Mehta 720p hd

These are some of the questions that Mr. Singh Mrs. Mehta 720p hd explores in its intriguing and provocative story. The movie is a Bollywood drama released in 2010, starring Prashant Narayanan as Ashwin Mehta and Aruna Shields as Neera Singh. It is directed by Pravesh Bhardwaj, who makes his debut with this film. The movie also features music by Grammy-nominated artist Ustad Shujaat Hussain Khan, who composed six original songs for the soundtrack.

The movie belongs to the genre of erotic thriller, which is not very common in Bollywood cinema. It deals with themes such as marriage, infidelity, love, betrayal, passion, and art. It also challenges some of the stereotypes and norms of Indian society regarding sexuality and morality.

In this article, we will review Mr. Singh Mrs. Mehta 720p hd and give you an overview of its plot, analysis, conclusion, and FAQs.


Mr. Singh Mrs. Mehta 720p hd is a movie about two married couples who live next door to each other in London. Ashwin Mehta (Prashant Narayanan) is a struggling writer who works as a copy editor for a magazine. He is unhappy with his career and his marriage. His wife, Sakhi Mehta (Lucy Hassan), is a successful fashion designer who is busy with her work and travels frequently. She is also having an affair with Karan Singh (Naved Aslam), a wealthy businessman who lives next door.

Neera Singh (Aruna Shields) is a housewife who is bored and lonely. She spends her days doing household chores and taking care of her daughter. Her husband, Karan Singh, is a workaholic who neglects her and their daughter. He is also cheating on her with Sakhi Mehta.

One day, Ashwin and Neera discover that their spouses are having an affair with each other when they see them together in a hotel. They are shocked and hurt by this revelation. They decide to confront their partners and also develop a bond with each other. They start meeting regularly and sharing their feelings and thoughts. They also discover that they have a common interest in art and photography. Ashwin encourages Neera to pursue her passion for painting and becomes her muse. Neera inspires Ashwin to write his novel and becomes his model.

As their friendship grows, they also develop a physical attraction for each other. They begin to question their marriages and their feelings for their spouses. They wonder if they should act on their desires or remain faithful to their partners. They also face the dilemma of whether to tell their spouses about their affair or keep it a secret.

Plot Summary

The movie begins with Ashwin Mehta narrating his story in a voice-over. He says that he met Neera Singh on the day he found out that his wife was cheating on him with her husband. He says that he was not looking for love, but he found it anyway.

The movie then shows how Ashwin and Neera discover their spouses' affair. Ashwin follows Sakhi to a hotel where he sees her entering a room with Karan. He takes a picture of them with his phone and sends it to Neera, who is at home waiting for Karan to return from work. Neera is shocked and devastated by the picture. She calls Ashwin and asks him to meet her at a cafe.

At the cafe, Ashwin and Neera introduce themselves and talk about their spouses' affair. They are both angry and hurt by their betrayal. They decide to confront them together and ask them to end their affair. They also exchange their phone numbers and agree to keep in touch.

The next day, Ashwin and Neera go to the hotel where Sakhi and Karan are staying. They knock on their door and demand to talk to them. Sakhi and Karan are surprised and embarrassed by their presence. They try to justify their affair by saying that they are unhappy in their marriages and that they love each other. They ask Ashwin and Neera to divorce them so that they can be together.

Ashwin and Neera are stunned by their request. They refuse to divorce them and ask them to stop seeing each other. They also warn them that they will expose their affair if they continue it. Sakhi and Karan reluctantly agree to end their affair, but they secretly plan to resume it later.

Ashwin and Neera leave the hotel feeling confused and hurt. They go to a park where they sit on a bench and talk about their situation. They realize that they have a lot in common and that they understand each other's pain. They also notice that they are attracted to each other, but they do not act on it.

They decide to remain friends and support each other through this difficult time. They start meeting regularly at cafes, museums, art galleries, and parks. They share their hobbies, interests, dreams, and fears. They also help each other with their creative pursuits.

Ashwin tells Neera that he always wanted to be a writer, but he never had the courage or inspiration to write his novel. He says that he works as a copy editor for a magazine that he hates, but he does not have the confidence or money to quit his job. He says that his wife does not support his writing ambitions and that she thinks he is wasting his time.

Neera tells Ashwin that she always loved painting, but she never had the opportunity or encouragement to pursue it as a career. She says that she married Karan when she was young and that she gave up her studies and dreams for him. She says that her husband does not appreciate her or pay attention to her. She says that she feels trapped and suffocated in her marriage.

Ashwin encourages Neera to start painting again and offers to buy her some paints and brushes. He also suggests that she should paint him as her first subject. Neera agrees and invites him to her house when Karan is away on a business trip. She sets up a canvas and easel in her living room and asks Ashwin to pose for her. She paints his portrait and shows it to him. He is impressed by her talent and compliments her. He also tells her that she is beautiful and that he likes her.

Neera thanks him and says that she likes him too. She also shows him some of her other paintings that she has hidden in a closet. He praises her work and says that she should exhibit them in a gallery. He also tells her that he has started writing his novel and that he wants her to read it. He says that she is his muse and that he writes about her.

They hug each other and kiss. They confess their love for each other and make love on the couch. They spend the night together and wake up in each other's arms. They are happy and content, but they also feel guilty and scared. They wonder what they should do next.

They decide to keep their affair a secret from their spouses and continue seeing each other. They rent a studio apartment where they meet every day and work on their art projects. They also go out on dates, watch movies, eat at restaurants, and have fun. They feel alive and free, but they also know that they are living a lie.

Meanwhile, Sakhi and Karan resume their affair after a brief break. They pretend to be faithful to their spouses, but they sneak out to meet each other at hotels, clubs, and parties. They are addicted to each other, but they also argue and fight a lot. They are selfish and manipulative, but they also fear losing each other.

One day, Sakhi finds out that she is pregnant with Karan's child. She is shocked and scared, but she also sees this as an opportunity to get rid of Ashwin and marry Karan. She tells Karan about the pregnancy and asks him to divorce Neera and marry her. Karan is surprised and reluctant, but he also feels responsible for the baby. He agrees to divorce Neera, but he asks Sakhi to wait until he settles some business matters.

Sakhi is impatient and eager to start a new life with Karan. She decides to tell Ashwin about the pregnancy and the affair, hoping that he will divorce her quickly. She calls Ashwin and asks him to meet her at a cafe.

Ashwin is surprised by Sakhi's call, but he agrees to meet her. He tells Neera that he has to go out for some work, but he will be back soon. He kisses her goodbye and leaves the studio apartment.

At the cafe, Sakhi tells Ashwin everything: the affair, the pregnancy, the divorce, the marriage. She says that she does not love him anymore and that she wants to be with Karan. She says that she is sorry for hurting him, but she has to follow her heart.

Ashwin is shocked and hurt by Sakhi's words. He feels betrayed and humiliated by her actions. He asks her why she did this to him, how long she has been cheating on him, what he did wrong to deserve this. He also asks her if she knows anything about Neera's whereabouts.

Sakhi is confused by Ashwin's question about Neera. She says that she does not know anything about Neera or where she is. She says that she does not care about Neera or what happens to her.

Ashwin realizes that Sakhi does not know about his affair with Neera. He decides not to tell her anything either. He says that he does not want to talk to her anymore and that he wants to end their marriage. He says that he will sign the divorce papers, but he does not want to see her or hear from her ever again. He says that he hopes she will be happy with Karan, but he doubts that they will last long. He says that he has nothing more to say to her and that he is leaving.

Ashwin gets up and walks away from the cafe, leaving Sakhi alone and stunned. He feels a mix of emotions: anger, sadness, relief, and love. He thinks about Neera and how much he loves her. He decides to call her and tell her everything: the affair, the pregnancy, the divorce, the marriage. He hopes that she will understand and forgive him. He hopes that they can be together and start a new life.

He takes out his phone and dials Neera's number. He waits for her to answer, but she does not pick up. He tries again, but still no answer. He wonders where she is and what she is doing. He worries that something might have happened to her. He decides to go back to the studio apartment and look for her.

He hails a cab and tells the driver to take him to the studio apartment. He checks his phone again, but there is still no sign of Neera. He texts her and tells her that he needs to talk to her urgently and that he is on his way.

Meanwhile, Neera is at home with Karan. She has received a surprise visit from him, who has returned from his business trip earlier than expected. He has brought her some flowers and gifts, and has told her that he has some important news to share with her. He has also asked her to pack her bags and get ready to leave with him.

Neera is surprised and confused by Karan's sudden change of behavior. She wonders what he wants to tell her and where he wants to take her. She also feels guilty and scared about her affair with Ashwin. She thinks about calling him and telling him everything, but she does not have the courage or the chance to do so.

Karan tells Neera that he has something to confess to her. He says that he has been having an affair with Sakhi Mehta for a long time, but he has ended it now. He says that he is sorry for hurting her and lying to her, but he has realized his mistake and wants to make it up to her. He says that he loves her and wants to save their marriage.

Neera is shocked and hurt by Karan's confession. She feels betrayed and humiliated by his actions. She asks him why he did this to her, how long he has been cheating on her, what he saw in Sakhi that he did not see in her. She also asks him if he knows anything about Ashwin's whereabouts.

Karan is confused by Neera's question about Ashwin. He says that he does not know anything about Ashwin or where he is. He says that he does not care about Ashwin or what happens to him.

Neera realizes that Karan does not know about her affair with Ashwin. She decides not to tell him anything either. She says that she does not want to talk to him anymore and that she wants to end their marriage. She says that she will sign the divorce papers, but she does not want to see him or hear from him ever again. She says that she hopes he will be happy with Sakhi, but she doubts that they will last long. She says that she has nothing more to say to him and that she is leaving.

Neera gets up and walks away from the house, leaving Karan alone and stunned. She feels a mix of emotions: anger, sadness, relief, and love. She thinks about Ashwin and how much she loves him. She decides to call him and tell him everything: the affair, the pregnancy, the divorce, the marriage. She hopes that he will understand and forgive her. She hopes that they can be together and start a new life.

She takes out her phone and dials Ashwin's number. She waits for him to answer, but he does not pick up. She tries again, but still no answer. She wonders where he is and what he is doing. She worries that something might have happened to him. She decides to go to the studio apartment and look for him.

She hails a cab and tells the driver to take her to the studio apartment. She checks her phone again, but there is still no sign of Ashwin. She texts him and tells him that she needs to talk to him urgently and that she is on her way.

Meanwhile, Ashwin arrives at the studio apartment and finds it empty. He looks around and sees Neera's paintings and his novel on the table. He picks up his novel and reads some of the pages. He smiles and feels proud of his work. He also feels grateful for Neera's support and inspiration.

He puts down his novel and picks up one of Neera's paintings. It is a portrait of him, painted with love and passion. He admires her talent and compliments her. He also tells her that he loves her and that he wants to be with her.

He hears his phone ringing and sees that it is Neera calling. He answers the phone and says hello. He hears Neera's voice saying hello back. He tells her that he is at the studio apartment and asks her where she is. He tells her that he has something important to tell her.

Neera tells him that she is on her way to the studio apartment and that she also has something important to tell him. They both say that they love each other and that they can't wait to see each other.

They hang up the phone and smile. They feel happy and excited, but they also feel nervous and anxious. They wonder what they will tell each other and how they will react.

They both reach the studio apartment at the same time. They see each other through the window and wave. They run towards the door and open it. They embrace each other and kiss passionately.

They look into each other's eyes and say that they have something to confess to each other. They both say "I'm sorry" at the same time.


Mr. Singh Mrs. Mehta 720p hd is a movie that explores the complex and controversial issues of marriage, infidelity, love, betrayal, passion, and art. It is a movie that challenges some of the conventions and expectations of Bollywood cinema and Indian society. It is a movie that offers a different perspective and a different experience to the viewers.

Some of the strengths of the movie are:

- The performances of the lead actors, Prashant Narayanan and Aruna Shields, who deliver realistic and nuanced portrayals of their characters. They convey the emotions and motivations of their characters with subtlety and sensitivity. They also share a good chemistry and a believable rapport on screen. - The direction of Pravesh Bhardwaj, who makes his debut with this film. He shows his vision and style in creating a captivating and compelling story. He also handles the sensitive and controversial topics with maturity and balance. He does not shy away from showing the explicit and intimate scenes, but he also does not exploit them for cheap thrills. He uses them to enhance the character development and the plot progression. - The music of Ustad Shujaat Hussain Khan, who composed six original songs for the soundtrack. He blends classical and contemporary elements to create a soothing and soulful score. He also uses his music to express the mood and theme of the movie. He creates songs that reflect the feelings and thoughts of the characters, such as love, longing, pain, and joy. - The cinematography of Mahendra Pradhan, who captures the beauty and contrast of London. He uses different colors, angles, and lighting to create a visual impact. He also uses some symbolic shots, such as the mirror, the window, the painting, and the novel, to represent the characters' inner states and conflicts. Some of the weaknesses of the movie are:

- The pace of the movie, which is slow and uneven at times. The movie takes its time to establish the characters and their relationships, but it also drags on some scenes that are not very relevant or interesting. The movie could have been shorter and tighter by cutting out some unnecessary or repetitive scenes. - The plot of the movie, which is predictable and cliched at times. The movie follows a familiar formula of two unhappy married couples who find love and happiness with each other's spouses. The movie does not offer any surprises or twists in its story. The movie also relies on some coincidences and contrivances to move the plot forward, such as the spouses finding out about each other's affair at the same time, or the spouses not knowing about each other's affair with their neighbors. - The ending of the movie, which is ambiguous and unsatisfying. The movie does not show what happens to Ashwin and Neera after they confess their affair to each other. It does not show if they stay together or break up, if they face any consequences or challenges, if they find any closure or resolution. It leaves the viewers hanging and wondering about their fate. The movie portrays marriage, infidelity, and love in a realistic and complex way. It shows that marriage is not always a happy or fulfilling institution, that infidelity is not always a simple or evil act, that love is not always a pure or lasting emotion. It shows that marriage can be boring and suffocating, that infidelity can be exciting and liberating, that love can be passionate and painful.

The movie also shows that marriage, infidelity, and love are not mutually exclusive or incompatible concepts. It shows that marriage can coexist with infidelity, that infidelity can coexist with love, that love can coexist with marriage. It shows that marriage can be a source of infidelity, that infidelity can be a source of love, that love can be a source of marriage.

The movie uses music, cinematography, and symbolism to enhance its portrayal of marriage, infidelity, and love. It uses music to convey the emotions and moods of the characters and the scenes. It uses cinematography to create a visual contrast and harmony between the characters and the settings. It uses symbolism to represent the themes and messages of the movie. The movie has some messages and lessons for the viewers, such as: - Marriage is not a guarantee of happiness or fidelity. It requires constant work, communication, and compromise. It also requires respect, trust, and honesty. Marriage can be rewarding and fulfilling, but it can also be challenging and frustrating. - Infidelity is not a solution or escape from an unhappy marriage. It can be tempting and thrilling, but it can also


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